Ukrainian Agrarian Confederation

The origination of the Ukrainian Agrarian Confederation (UAC) was caused by the urgent necessity to consolidate the efforts of agrarian experts, who are guided by market bases, to maintain the constant agriculture development in Ukraine and the effective operation of the Ukrainian agro-industrial complex under the conditions of integration into the world and European agricultural markets.
Founded in December 2002, today the UAC unites about 40 members, among which there are companies and the largest professional associations related to the agriculture and food and related sectors.
Role in the project
UAC is the executor of part of the tasks of WP1, WP2, WP3, one of the key executors of WP6 and is involved in the implementation of the tasks of WP7.
WP6 is devoted to case studies of milk, grain, fish, vegetable and fruit markets. UAC performs the thematic task on the grain product sub-complex of Ukraine. Task WP7 involves the development of educational and enlightening projects within the framework of SecureFood.