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Spread European Safety and Sustainability GEIE

Topography map of Europe highlighting Rome, Italy

Founded in 2003, SPES GEIE – Spread European Safety and Sustainability – is an EU Economic Interest Group, which gathers mainly EU Food & Beverage Industry Federations.

The mission of SPES is to facilitate and develop joint actions, especially EU projects and research & innovation activities, then sharing main results achieved with its stakeholders, especially SMEs. SPES has long experience in several EU programmes, from HORIZON to PRIMA, and from ERASMUS PLUS to INTERREG-MED.

Since its establishment, SPES has covered following topics: safety & quality of food production along the EU supply chain, energy efficiency, reduction of food waste and loss, competitiveness of F&B industry, nutrition policies & consumers’ perception of current dietary patterns, innovative packaging, sustainability policies (considering its three pillars, environmental, social and economic).

Role in the project

SPES is engaged in several Work Packages (WP2, WP3, WP6, WP7, WP8, WP8) and its actions are mainly focused on the involvement of food industry stakeholders; elaboration of background analysis and identification of food safety security drivers’ identification; contribution in specific case studies; analysis of the communication along the food supply chain during disruptive contexts; drafting of policy papers. SPES will also spread SecureFood updates and results among its stakeholders.

SPES is also inclusive of 9 affiliated partners in the SecureFood project, as listed below:

  2. ANIA
  3. FIPA
  4. FIAB
  5. SEVT
  8. LVA
  9. FFDI